Hygiene & Sanitation Promotion for emergency contexts – Online course

Original price was: $550.Current price is: $350.




Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) related diseases contribute to high mortality and morbidity rates in emergency and post-emergency situations. Even in the absence of an emergency, diarrhoea kills over 30,000 children per week worldwide. During protracted war and conflict in particular diarrhoeal diseases can often kill more people than the conflict itself.

Hygiene and sanitation promotion is the centerpiece to a successful WASH intervention in emergency contexts. Effective hygiene and sanitation promotion is based on dialogue and interaction with affected communities; working in partnership with them forms the basis for successful and accountable programming.

Better emergency response in public health is achieved through better preparedness. Such preparedness is the result of targeted capacity building and knowledge development by governments, humanitarian agencies, local and civil society organizations, communities and individuals to anticipate and respond effectively towards emergency situations. It is upon this premise that we have organized a training to build the capacity of key humanitarian actors on effective hygiene and sanitation promotion in emergencies.

Course objectives

  • To build the capacity of trainees to impart knowledge to communities in emergency situations on prevention of diarrhoeal diseases and other WASH-related diseases.
  • To equip trainees with practical skills for planning, monitoring and evaluation of hygiene and sanitation promotion activities in emergency contexts.
  • To introduce trainees to key WASH standards and monitoring indicators in emergencies (e.g. SPHERE).
  • To equip trainees with community mobilization skills for hygiene promotion.

Course content

  • Introduction to hygiene and sanitation promotion in emergency settings.
  • SPHERE standards for hygiene and sanitation promotion in emergency contexts.
  • Tools and methodologies for hygiene promotion in emergency contexts.
  • Planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of hygiene and sanitation promotion interventions in emergencies.

Language of instruction


Target group

UN, Government and NGO staff including project managers, officers, assistants, health workers, hygiene promoters, public health officers and facilitators.

Training methodology

The training method of delivery will consist of interactive webinar sessions, documentaries, articles, reference materials, quizzes and assessments.

Training cost

The training cost is US$ 350 and it covers the tuition fees, certification, learning materials and meals at the venue. Further information will be provided upon inquiry.

Application process

Applicants should complete the Course Application Form and send the duly filled scanned copy of the form to training@iphdcinternational.org.

Training dates

This course is offered at least once every quarter. Please check the Online Courses page in our website www.iphdcinternational.org for the actual dates.

Tailor-made training option

We can provide your organization a tailor-made training with similar content but addressing your specific needs. In case you want to explore this option, you can contact us to share with you a proposal for that training.


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